It’s only been about two years since I started listening to audiobooks. I never tried before because I didn’t think I’d like it. It’s nice to be able to clean while listening to a book, or continue my book while I’m driving. The narrators make all the difference when it comes to a great audiobook. I have listened to a lot of my favorite books after reading them just to get the audio experience.

My Reading Preferences
I am always wary about posting my opinions on books. I am an author, so I know how much criticism of something you truly love can hurt. I do think it’s important to note that reading is subjective. Some people will love your book and others might describe it as the worst thing they’ve ever read. There’s no real right or wrong. There are just opinions, what you like, and what you don’t.

Things I Love to have while Writing
I can write in almost any environment. I’ve gotten used to having to write with noise because I have two young children. I write a lot on the road because my husband and I take frequent road trips. I’ve trained myself to be able to tune out everything around me and write. Right now my son is watching a National Geographic show on sharks and I’m standing at my kitchen counter writing this. The fact that I am a person who doesn’t need quiet to write has helped me tremendously. Even though I don’t need peace and quiet, there are a few other things I really enjoy having when I write.

What I’ve Learned (So far)
The absolute biggest lesson I've learned so far on this journey is that you have to go at your own pace. It's so easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others, and it will drive you nuts.
My writing journey as a wife, as a mother of two, as a person with a full-time job, as a person running a home with 45 animals, is going to look different than someone who is single, someone without kids, someone who is already a full-time author, and so on.
That's okay.