Writing Resources
You can go down the resources rabbit hole forever when it comes to writing. There are a lot of things offered that you don’t need or that won’t work for you. There are also a lot of things that come in handy. Something that works great for you may not work for me and vice versa. However, if you’re a beginner and looking for a place to start, here are some resources that have helped me a lot.

My Brief Thoughts On AI
I am all about working smarter, haha. I don’t shy away from tools that can help me. I know the big argument is whether or not this is “writing” but the ideas are still mine. Similarly, when I use talk to text - the ideas are still mine. If I’m not typing them, are they somehow “less?” No, that’s silly. I won’t lie, I am still on the fence about books that are entirely AI generated. But, I think if it’s known then it’s okay. I’d only feel wrong about it if it was hidden from readers.