Balancing Motherhood and Writing: Crafting My New Series and Sharing Some Helpful Tips
Navigating the complexities of indie publishing while being a mom to two wonderful young children has taught me a few tricks on managing time and creativity effectively. Today, I want to share some of these insights, hoping they might help those of you embarking on your first writing project, or anyone looking for a nudge to balance writing with parenting.

My 2023 Goals
I’m writing this in August, so keep that in mind. I’ve got some big goals to fulfill in four short months. My main goal and priority is getting the Grand Mesa Men series published. I'd honestly be thrilled to have this series out by January 2024 so that's what I'm aiming for. The Grand Mesa Men series has been a long time coming. I am so in love with Jesse and his sons and the female leads in this series are some of my favorite women I’ve ever written.

My ‘Me’ Year
When I turned 30, something inside me shifted. It was as if a switch had flipped, and I suddenly realized that I had been living about the last two years of my life on autopilot, constantly saying yes to things I didn't want to do, and allowing others to dictate how I spent my time. I knew it was time for a change – a year of focusing on myself, my passions, and my well-being. If I didn’t change something, I was going to lose myself completely.